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College Closure - Tuesday, March 4
Due to inclement weather, all credit classes will follow remote learning continuity plans. All non-credit classes and events are canceled. All OPE电子竞技官网 locations will close at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 4.
Continue to monitor official OPE电子竞技官网 communication channels for any closure notices for March 5.
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About Discovery

Searching Discovery | Result List | Refining Your Search | Continue Your Search in Other Databases

EBSCO's Discovery Service offers fast, simple access to the OPE电子竞技官网 library's resources in a single search box. Use it to find magazine, newspaper, or scholarly journal articles, eBooks, print books, streaming videos, DVDs, images, selected quality websites and more.

For a complete list of the databases and websites available see What's Included in Discovery?


Searching Discovery

The Discovery search box is available on the library's home page. The box includes options allowing you to limit your results:

  • Keyword - Retrieves all records containing your search terms anywhere within the record: author, title, subject terms, abstract, description, etc.
  • Title - Only retrieves records containing your search terms in the title of each record (article title, book title, video title, etc.).
  • Author - Only retrieves records containing your search terms in the author's name.
  • Full Text - Limits your results to records allowing you to read the actual article, book, Web resource or view/listen to the video or audio file (as opposed to records that simply describe them).
  • Scholarly Journals - Limits your results to articles from scholarly journals (academic or peer-reviewed).
  • Full Text or Available in the Library - Retrieves full text records (online) as well as records for print books or DVDs available in a campus library.

NOTE: You can also click on Advanced Search underneath the search box to access more options including multiple search boxes.

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Result List

Once you have a list of records on your screen, click on a title to open a Detailed Record with more information about that record.

If the full text source is available, both the result list and the detailed record will include a link allowing you to open it. Look for a link labeled PDF Full Text, HTML Full Text, eBook Full Text, View record, etc. The exact wording of the link will vary from database to database.


fulltext search results. Navigate by link to jump to a title result.

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Refining Your Search

You can also refine your search in a number of different ways by using the options on the far left side of the screen. See below for an overview of the Catalog Only, Discipline, Source Types (format), Collection and Content Provider (database) options.


refining results is achieved through a list of checkboxes on the left-hand side underneath the limit to expandable button. There's also two edit fields used to refine the timeframe of your search, a show more link, and more expandable buttons for items such as subject, publisher, and so forth.

Catalog Only

Select Catalog Only to limit your search to records from the library's catalog (print books, DVDs and streaming videos). Click on Retrieve Catalog Item within each record to view more information about that item (location, availability, etc.).

To request books and DVDs for pickup at another campus see Request Materials.

catalog only checkbox


Click on the Show More link underneath the Publication Date slider to access a list of disciplines (business & management, consumer health, history, law, psychology, women's studies, etc.).


show more link

Select a discipline (you can choose more than one) and click on Search.

disciplines are shown as a collection of checkboxes


Source Types

Click on Source Types to limit your search by format. Options include Magazines, Books, eBooks, Videos, etc. Click on Show More to see a complete list.


source types expandable button


The Collection limiter allows you to restrict your results to a specific collection within a database or website. Click on Show More to view a complete list of collections.

collections expandable button


Content Provider

Click on Content Provider to limit your results by database or web resource. Click on Show More for a full list.

content providers expandable button

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Continue Your Search in Other Databases

Use the Continue Search option on the right side of the screen to repeat your search other OPE电子竞技官网 library databases that aren't included in Discovery's default search.


continue search expandable button located on the right hand side

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